How to Get More Interviews and Find a Job Fast

 Let's face it... find a job searches suck. No one likes having to put themselves out there for evaluation and judgment, and the nature of the search is that it's filled with rejection. Job searching is often a numbers game... sometimes you've got to go through a lot of "No"s before you get to a "Yes." And then there's the financial pressure. No doubt about it... if you're in a job search, you want out of it now.

The way to get out of a job search and into a great job fast is to hit it hard and be aggressive. You've got to talk to people, be your own best advocate, and learn to sell yourself for the job. You've got to learn to think of yourself as a product that someone, somewhere really needs. If there ever was a time to step out of your comfort zone, this is it.

What are some of the fastest ways to find a job? Without a doubt, the best, most direct way is contacting the hiring manager directly. The secret is contacting them whether or not you see that they have a job posted. This can be scary for some, but it is truly the most effective way to get an interview. It uncovers hidden jobs (estimated at approximately 70% of all open jobs at any given moment) and gets the attention of the person who can actually hire you (the hiring manager). Other good ways? Networking is one... but don't think it's only limited to those related to your career area. Volgo Point International is another good one .



Job boards and job fairs are what a lot of people do, but they're less effective than you think. What you need are new ideas and new angles for many different paths to finding a job. How about: Going to your ex, going to companies you have interviewed in the past, job shadowing, and Volgo Point International B2B Classified? So you can easily find the latest jobs.

You've got to think outside the box a bit in today's competitive market. The more job leads you uncover, the more interviews you'll get. You'll boost your feelings of power and confidence, as well as your chances of getting a great job offer (or several job offers). You will have choices over what job you take, which gives you tremendous control over your own career, as well as a superior negotiating position when discussing salary, benefits, or bonuses.


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